IMG_8367smWe are a community of young people and adults who learn, play, and grow together.  We believe that the most powerful learning happens when students and faculty are truly committed to their community.  We foster this in a variety of ways.

Daily Activities
Trusting relationships, built intentionally on a daily basis through shared activities, meals, and traditions, form the foundation of our community.  Every morning students and faculty play together learning new skills and exercising our bodies.  During morning meeting, we have an opportunity to share with each other the ups and downs of our lives.  Students participate in the governance of our school through student circle.  This is a chance for younger students to experience decision-making by consent and practice constructive communication.  Older students have the opportunity to facilitate student circle meetings thus developing leadership skills.  In every interaction, we ensure that all voices are heard and respected.

We believe that “many hands make light work” and therefore ask all members of our community to donate their time and skills as they can.  Students have daily jobs which gives them ownership over the maintenance of our space and keeps down our operational costs.  Family and faculty volunteers make our many special events possible.

IMG_5593Special Events
Special events throughout the year are a time for shared traditions.  In the fall, we host the “Literary Extravaganza”: a time to share our latest creative writing pieces, and, for those who wish to, participate in a poetry slam.  The later winter usually brings the “Showcase of Arts and Talent” where fine and performing arts of all variety are on display.  Throughout the year, students are encouraged to organize events of their own choosing.  These have included Halloween parties, dance parties, game nights, and an evening of delicious food known as the “feastival.”  The end of every semester brings the “Presentation Celebration.”  This is a time when the whole community gathers to appreciate the work that students have done in their classes.

Outdoor Adventure
Our year begins and ends with several days of outdoor adventure.  During this time, students and faculty together take on the challenges that Vermont’s natural landscape has to offer.  When we help each other to climb a difficult trail, the sense of accomplishment that we feel contributes to a long-lasting commitment to the people with whom we shared the experience.

Into the Greater Community
We are always looking for ways to integrate into the greater Central Vermont community.  This might be through community service projects during the Mountain and Service retreat, service learning projects in individual classes, or other projects throughout the year.