IMG_7580Pacem School is a state-approved independent school for 6th – 8th grades.  We offer a complete full-time curriculum for this age group and we also offer courses for younger students starting at age 10.  In many subject areas, we use a two-year course rotation and expectations are higher for the older/advanced students within each range.  Students take a mix of core and elective courses.  Electives across subject areas are offered depending on student and faculty interest.

Full-time Requirements:

In order to be considered full-time, students must be engaged in meaningful academic experiences for a minimum of 27.5 hours a week.  In addition, students must take a minimum of 6 credits of classes.  Most classes are one credit classes.  A one credit class meets a minimum of 190 minutes a week, with additional work expected outside of class, for an entire year.

When a student enters Pacem, we will assign him or her a faculty advisor.  The intention is for a single adult to advise a student throughout their career at Pacem.  Requirements are developed individually for each student by the student, parent(s), and advisor.